Friday, June 27, 2008

Can WE be who we ARE?

It is a well known fact that our personality is more or less matured by the time we reach seven.Yet time compels us to act in different ways,even contradicting ways.Time is the master who controls us all......we are nothing but mere mortals.Yes,its true that we can have our tryst with destiny....but it is the genius who can dare to be who they really are!

Childhood is characterized by spontaneity of thoughts and action.Childhood reflects purity,innocence,yet the big question is :Are they still what they really are?
I am afraid but the answer is no!
A child responds to his/her surroundings.........Once irate friend becomes best friend for a while for a ice cream or chocolate.
Teenage with it brings the vagaries of mood swing.......we jump from one mental state to other in an unpredictable manner........
Then is born the working person........who if not of conscience of steel ,breaks down when time demands before seniors................
This is what Life is all about....
Life is not a bed of roses.
So,it is really hard to remain what u are all the while.
Still we all can give being the same a shot.
Yes ,its possible........but is trying.
Hope u try to be what u are!
Always be who you are, if ever u change then change for the better.

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