Friday, June 12, 2009

Why the hell we fall in LOVE?

Everyone seems to be charmed by this notorious word "LOVE" . Every time we find ourselves in an awkward position we say "Anyways we love you". What the hell is this love! It is nothing but a mere mental strain. It is a sure shot way of making yourself aged faster and not an hour richer. Love gives the pain(We always feel the absence of someone or something). Love gives you the pain,the suffering and sleepless nights. Love is a contagious disease which destroys two innocent souls who are disillusioned that they are made for each other. Love wants compromise. You cannot have the best as your love. You are bound to someone even if they are not useful to you anymore.
Love makes you blind. It makes you trust someone more than necessary so that they may betray you. People spend their whole lives searching for love. And then there is a continuous need to express your love other wise your partner may think your love has diminished. Love makes you spend your precious resources for others. Love is a stigma in this world.


1 comment:

Bhasa said...

hey are u tryin' to contradict my last blog??

and I don't think u hate "love".wht u hv written is a specific form of "love" which u might be hatin'.there are other forms too.[:p]