Sunday, September 20, 2009

Re-living the past

It was during my sixth semester when this trip was planned. The motivation came in simulation lab when smruti told me something about sambeet. So, here I was all ready to go for the trip!
The impetus was too strong to resist!

So finally after so many failed plans here was something that seemed to really work out! Everything was planned with great enthusiasm.
One the memorable day, I woke up at 4:30 am and by 5:30, I was ready as it was decided the cab will be at my house @ 6 am. 6 came and signs of any moving vehicle......frantic phone calls followed.......fear of another planned-failed trip gripped me......I was shivering in disgust and anger.........thought of sleeping again.......then the call from muni woke me up!
WE were going!!! Hurray!
Beware Venga Boys! We too like to party!!!

And the rest is now deeply embedded in our hearts..........its a day that I'll not forget for the rest of my lives...........

And now after 1.5 yrs, I happened to visit those places again,,,,,,,,this time happiness was replaced by sorrow........the feeling of missing my gang............

I tried to cry........could not.............ended up shooting photos alone you all to be there as we had shot 1.5 yrs ago....................

Why does time run so FAST?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Why the hell we fall in LOVE?

Everyone seems to be charmed by this notorious word "LOVE" . Every time we find ourselves in an awkward position we say "Anyways we love you". What the hell is this love! It is nothing but a mere mental strain. It is a sure shot way of making yourself aged faster and not an hour richer. Love gives the pain(We always feel the absence of someone or something). Love gives you the pain,the suffering and sleepless nights. Love is a contagious disease which destroys two innocent souls who are disillusioned that they are made for each other. Love wants compromise. You cannot have the best as your love. You are bound to someone even if they are not useful to you anymore.
Love makes you blind. It makes you trust someone more than necessary so that they may betray you. People spend their whole lives searching for love. And then there is a continuous need to express your love other wise your partner may think your love has diminished. Love makes you spend your precious resources for others. Love is a stigma in this world.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baramunda Premier League

T20 cricket World Cup has done it again! It has stirred the sentiments of Indians. And the blessed ones among us have devised a way to make money out of this T20 craze. "CLONE TOURNAMENTS"! Then how can the citizens of Baramunda lie back ? So presenting before you "Baramunda Premier League".

There will be 32 teams and all the matches would be in knock out fashion. The winner will take it all. Prize money is Rs 10,000.

Preparations are in full swing. The pitch is being prepared by local curator (Khuju Bhai) with the help from children who play in the ground. Pratap bhai ( Ward Counsellor, ward no 12) is personally looking after all the preparations.

So, see you soon with BPL updates once matches start.Till then Good Bye. And keep reading eRashmi.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Feelings at a Banquet!

The social animal I am, I have been lucky to have many friends( many of them are real restaurant freaks). Add to this the atmosphere Birthday Season brings! Ho Ho! We are going for a treat! The real zeal of B'Days! So here we arrange bikes (autos for gals) and sped away to the fortunate destination.

Once in the restaurant, the merry din (read the shouts and merry making) fills the vicinity and enchants everyone. The manager smiles ( read devilish smile ) at the prospect of seeing such a large profit. Hardly he knows what the hell we are!!!!

We take our chairs and shouting, grinning,teasing and blushing continues. Here a fight of a different sort ensues: For sitting next to one's gal friend ( survival of the fittest ) . How apt was Darwin !
Never mind after some time the grumbling comes down and weaker ones console themselves by thinking better luck next time. Ah ha! All the best buddies.

Then the waiter comes and he goes into hysteria after getting the order : How come such a large gathering manage with such a merge amount. I suppose this was a banquet! Anyways this is our way of life: Save money boss. See what happened in US for their consumerism. WE all are suffering in this state of economic slump.By the way lets continue : He coaxes us to order more items at least increase the quantity. But all his pleadings go to deaf ears. How determined we are!

The wait for food begins. The taste buds are activated. The saliva starts trickling. The stomach is tuned in to accommodate the maximum capacity. Then the "Think Food" mode is activated and loaded into memory. Finally we are ready.

When the food comes, the animal in me tries to unleash itself. But years of training by the society has taught me to keep my instincts in control. I wait for the food to be served. The waiter works so slowly and serves as if he were a perfectionist.

Now even more formality ensues. We need to wait till our neighbors start eating and this wait creates a vicious circle. Huh! At last some one starts eating and then the ball starts rolling. The meat is teared apart and the paneer is gulped at a go.

Time for the bill. Everyone waits for it more anxiously than the host(after all they would be the host after some days).

This whole process is repeated every time some one is born every year. Who ever said history repeats itself said it rightly!

Anyways ! Did I forget to say Happy Birthday?


Saturday, May 23, 2009

99% Gals are Beautiful, Rest are in my College!!!!

When a boy joins a college (especially if it is an engineering college), he has a vision of freedom. With the teenage spirit going strong, he wants to revolt against everybody. But then, there is a softer corner. He has many expectations from his college life : masti, a cool gang, music and of course "Beautiful Gals". I too had such expectations! But then, they were smashed in the very first few days of my college life. How come such "head turners" (beautiful gals) are studying in the near by college and none in mine. I cannot express the trauma. All my hopes of making a girl friend were smashed to the ground. "Why did on earth did I take admission in this college". To add to the suffering, it was not just the quality but the quantity that I found wanting. And I searched for the prettiest gal among them (it was like searching for the least rotten apple among a rotten lot). Hiding my disappointment , I approached her to talk with her and the kind of attitude that she showed made me remember the fable of "The Frog in the Well". There is an excellent classification
of gals in the movie " Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai". It goes like this : There are three types of gals : A class : They are head turners . They make you stare at them for long long long hours. Class B : They are the ones from whom the beauty parlours make business. Class C : They are not gals from any angle. I think the gals in my college fall in lower class B and class C. Still the attitude!!!
Anyways! I made the mistake of not visiting the college before taking admission and paid heavily for it. You people be smarter. Choose before you select. After all it really pains spending 4 long years without any girl friend.
Huh! Its easier said then done! But be a little choosy in selecting your Girl Friends. After all you want to make a style statement.

With lots of wishes.
-A Frustoo

(P.S. :
Disclaimer: All the above facts are fictional. It has no resemblance with anyone living or dead. If any such resemblance is found, it is purely coincidental.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Life with DKS

I joined my engineering college in 2005. The first day was really memorable and is special to my heart. About a week passed till I met the boy who was about to play a crucial role over the next 4 years. Lets call him DKS. I really do not remember when I met him first,but I remember that we had our tiffins together sitting on a wall in the lap of nature. You know, DKS is a kind of boy who always listens and I always babble. So we formed a deep bond. At a later stage ,BPR and DG, also joined our tiffin session. You know DKS is one of the few boys who scored much higher in +2 than in 10th and the same trend continued in B.TECH also. We had C in 1st sem.And DKS was a champ in that. During our walk to the wall we discussed the programs and on the wall the discussions were personal. We studied there . Un lamhon ka bhool pana aab possible nahi hai..........Thanks DKS.......
We also listened to the conversation of a grandpa and his grandson while we sat on the wall. DKS said "thik thik" and it created a laughter. One thing , DKS was not particularly social in the first half of B.Tech. Even after 2 years he knew only 20 students and around 50 knew him.

One special moment was when he sang " Kaho naa Pyar hai".......DKS had started to evolve.

Naughty comments, intoxicating smile, unfailing sincerity and a boy who always keeps himself in check. Didn't talk with gals until 6th sem.............................

Going to TCS.........TCS are lucky .......they are going to get a damn good programmer.......and techno geek...............

I share a special relationship with DKS...........

DKS is jara hatke............

Anyways, now that official days at college are over we would never get a chance to sit together on the same bench or can have tiffin together nor after exams khatti ...................

Thanks DKS for giving me a reason to smile in the last four years............

I hope you bring the same smile on many others and I am sure you would !!!!!

And SORRY................................................................................

You Rock because you are
Virus Free
Memory Saver

This is only a small memorabilia of my life with DKS. Details lie engraved on my heart.